Monday, 30 January 2012

Iconic Musical Notes ;)

I made these today for my friends' Singing Day website as their social networking icons. It was so much fun. They are both such an inspiration to me, using all their collective moments to bring more love and light to everyone they meet. I love that I get to help!

Here's their website :)

Thursday, 26 January 2012

Dream, In between, Waking life.

Last night, before going to bed I wrote all of my possible future achievement down in a text message, put them in the present tense and sent it to myself. Then I went to sleep. I had a dream that I was living these achievements, I remember Patrick being there and the phone book and where I was putting it was important to me. Then I woke, into sleep paralysis, which I experience from time to time. An arm came out of my chest and the fingers opened upwards, a huge fireball floating in its palm. Except when I looked more closely, the fire was made of glowing words in some kind of eastern language I didn't recognise. It was frightening as sleep paralysis usually is but I also felt a kind of wonder at this vision. As I became more tuned to my emotions the vision disappeared and I was left awake and wondering what it all meant.

I'm open to interrpretation and not just for this dream. I think part of its purpose was illustrating the opening of myself to this world, even if I don't quite understand it.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Media vita in morte sumus. In the midst of our lives we die.

The url of my new blog came to me with a bolt of thought while reading a passage of common latin phrases. I'm not sure what it means to me exactly but it has stopped me dead. My heart feels like it has slowed, my eyes widened and my mind is clicking over memories and ideas to see where to file this phrase. But nothing comes that fits.

I remember being in a tantra class and jumping over a fire in the woods, shouting words that I wanted to burn in the fire. What the hell did that mean? Carbon monoxide poisoning or exhilarating spiritual break through? I love it all. I love the questioning. The answering, and the questioning again. Each moment contains more evidence to feel one way or another, and in the next we find evidence that lead us to change back again. All I know is that since I realised that beliefs are a choice my world has been flooded with ideas.

Is this world an illusion? Am I a physical representation of experiences that we are all projecting? A facet of a perfect hologram shining from the edge of the universe. The mind boggles, and it is the mind that limits these questions. Here is where it gets interesting though. Allow the mind to rest and what is there? My scientific processor would suggest nothing, but thats not my experience. There is movement in the void. A soft buzzing that lights up and expands. Is that the sound of a giant cathode ray tube beyond my comprehension?

I think it is a glimpse into something divine, that contains everything. So divine that when we dare to allow it in, disconnection dies a little more and we are bathed in peace.