Thursday 28 June 2012

3 Day juice Fast

I did a juice fast recently and my body LOVED it. I thought that it would be valuable to share my process and some of the information I felt translated into my experience.I didn't move very gently into my fast but left it slowly using salads and soups. I don't think it gave me any problem that my preparation. Here are the guidelines I decided on after doing my research:

  • I drank juice every time I felt hungry so my body was never wanting for nutrition and my tummy was always full.

  • I drank about 2 litres or more of water each day.

  • I supplemented with a green food powder that had maca, spirulina, hemp, lacuma and lots of other lovely herbs and nutrients

  • I took colon cleansing herbs in the morning and evening until day 6

  • I also took psyllium husk powder in water once a day

  • In my research I read that if the detox symptoms became very strong that a little banana or avocado would help to slow the process and wake the digestive system up.

Day 1
I made my juices all fresh because I knew I would be home all day. I juiced apple, carrot, parsley, kale, turmeric, ginger, brocali. I drank alot of water and stayed in bed most of this day. I felt the detox really strongly and had a huge headache and my moods were just crazy. I ate a little of a banana in the evening which helped to reduce the pain in my head.

Day 2
I felt much better today. I made lots of gorgeous green juice and off I went into the world. It was a beautiful experience. I found that light felt much more vivid and sounds were clearer. In general, my senses were more acute than usual. I went to an art exhibition and finished my juice. After a while I felt very peaceful and then felt weak. So I had to go and buy some juice, which was perfect and I really liked the variety. It was like giving myself a dessert :)  I loved the idea so much that I made myself a green veggie juice when I got home and then made a fresh dessert juice of pineapple, lemon and lime. So yummy :)

Day 3
Fantastic today! But also craving strange foods, I noticed McDonalds as I walked by it and I haven't eaten there in 15 years! My body was not hungry at all and that it was my mind that wanted comfort food. It was incredible to experience how closely my emotions are linked to my hunger reactions. I felt so clear and joyful today. It was Blooms Day so all the lovely people in James Joyce costumes were swanning about our street.

Day 4
I didn't feel like eating solid food for most of the day. So I followed my desires and remained juicing until early evening. Then I had a salad of baby green leaves, grated carrot and avocado. It was lovely. I then made a soup and had a small bowl. It was strange eating solid foods again.

Day 5
More soup and salads, More supplements. Feeling great energy wise.

I remember doing a juice fast as a teenager when my Mom got into detox diets. Being sent to school with tomato/carrot juice! This time around it was nice to be in the driving seat, choosing what to juice and what suited my body. I think its a very personal process. I will definitely do a juice fast again. I loved it and so did my body. It was the best experience with it I could have hoped for.

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